Saturday, January 15, 2011

humble beginnings

hello to all! here is my jolly blog
in which i hope to share with you
fun times here at home
and also in miss mattie's tea room.

“tea and stitchery’ is a setting
in my imaginary world
of most perfect of all cozy places
run by a ‘proprietess’ known as ‘miss mattie’.

miss mattie's tea room takes up a
small few rooms of her home.
she is delighted to have friends stop by
whenever they have an inkling.

miss mattie believes in ‘elegant economy’
and has her tea rooms put together
in such a way as to delight the senses.

the cozy rooms are suited with easy chairs
and tea tables covered with tea cups,
linens and doilies,

all rescued from pitiful circumstances
and brought back to life.

cupboards are filled with every tea imaginable,
edible fancies to please the palate
and handiwork of every choice.
perusal is always invited
you may wander the rooms at your leisure
-for tea and stitchery is never closed!

miss mattie is always ready to pour out a cup
for any visitor who needs refreshment,
 a kind word
or motherly advice and guidance.

 actually, miss mattie is really me-glenda.
i live with my family in a cozy home on 'basswood hill'.

i have collected things for ages and have realized
that the overflow must be repurposed
and move on to other horizons.

hoarding is neither thrifty or economical-
it tends to confusion and clutter!

therefore-i will attempt to redesign my finds
rescued from throughout my wanderings;
things long forgotten and unloved
found living in sad, pitiful
conditions and circumstances.
to these i promise to give new life
and purpose!


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